in the media
Amy has appeared in many podcasts, online workshops and interviews over the years sharing her message. Tune in to a few of the shows listed below to catch the magic of what was happening at the time. In some of these shows she shares her story, her message to be your best self or who knows what other brilliance. You will have to tune in to find out. Enjoy!
Guest Appearances

Unbecoming with Phoebe Mroczek
How do you turn your greatest weakness or insecurity into a superpower? And if you did, what would be possible for your life and business? In this episode, Amy Schuber speaks up about how the one thing she was labeled as throughout her childhood has actually become a great strength. Amy Schuber is a business strategist and podcaster. She’s been working with business leaders for the past decade, guiding them back to themselves with her strategic mind, savvy spirituality and curated resources. She has an innate ability to see her client’s true potential and devise strategies needed to unlock new possibilities and create success in life and business. Amy is also the host of the Inspired Conversations Podcast, bringing insight from today’s thought leaders to help us live into life and business in the most conscious, mindful way. On the show, we talk about the one phrase that shaped her and changed the way she shows up in the world through her business and podcast. It set the tone for her personal and professional success, with the goal being to make a difference, to enjoy life, to love and to have fun! However, it hasn’t always been easy. Amy opens up about the challenging seasons of her life, and how she moved through the discomfort and now finds herself in a “rich and glamorous” season of life. What I admire most about Amy is how intentional she is about helping others learn, create and thrive, so head over to listen to this beautiful episode! If you want to be inspired, check out her Inspired Conversations podcast, and you can learn more about Amy at her website.

Featured ICON of Influence at the New Media Summit
Amy has been featured as an ICON of Influence at the New Media Summit in Austin and twice in San Diego. The New Media Summit was the leading event in training people how to prepare for and pitch podcasters for sharing their message with the world. An influential training, relationship building and connection making event for leading podcasters as well as influencers sharing their messages.

Intimate Conversations with Allana Pratt
Amy is a creative, a dreamer... always wanted to be a ballerina. As happens to many of us she went through a 'rule follower' stage and had various corporate America jobs yet was miserable. Gratefully she had entrepreneurial parents who encouraged her to take the leap. Without knowing how it would all work out, she just started showing up. 13 yrs later she's a successful Life and Business Coach with the popular Podcast Inspired Conversations diving deep into authenticity and knowing what you know! As she keeps growing in confidence, like many of us when we take on a new frontier... moment of wobbly arise so she has this AWESOME way of talking to her Little Me inside... you'll have to listen to the podcast to find out while being SUPER inspired by her uplifting points of view. You will feel more certain to live your dreams by listening to Amy's wisdom, joy and grounded energy. Enjoy!

Boost Power Podcast
Boost Power Podcast host Betsy Wiersma and Amy talk about creativity taking time to retreat to recharge and rejuvenate and the power of energy healing in this episode.

Unstoppable Consciousness
Lisa LaJoie invites Amy to share for the first time ever, why and how she became an Energy Healer and the stories behind the journey. It's a beautiful conversation between two like-minded, powerful women out to make a difference with their healing work.
Amy Schuber is an Energy Healer, Intuitive Business Strategist and Podcast Host of Inspired Conversations.
For over a decade, Amy Schuber has been successfully coaching, business owners, entrepreneurs & individuals on building, growing and sustaining a prosperous life, career or business while staying grounded and connected. Through her healing work, she helps individuals remove inherited blocks that might stifle their growth. Clearing the inherited blocks helps clients find more peace, success, love and financial abundance. She has an innate ability to see people’s true potential and strategies needed to unlock the possibilities and create success in life and business. Over the past 6 years Amy has produced over 500 Inspired Conversations Podcasts with nearly a million downloads. Inspired Conversations with thought leaders focused on conscious business, mindfulness, energy work, spirituality, health and wellbeing in hopes to spark your heart and ignite your soul into a deep dive of self-discovery.

Simply Said with Polly Campbell
Learning to use our sixth sense, our intuition, can help us make better decisions and live with greater ease. In today's show intuitive business strategist and energy healer Amy Schuber tells us how to do it. Amy says "on the other side of the breakdown is the brilliance."

NEXT with Elizabeth Ribons
Through her healing work, Amy helps individuals remove inherited blocks that might be stifling their growth and ability to live their best life, A podcast host for 7 years with over 500 episodes, with some of the foremost thought leaders in health, wellness, spirituality, and entrepreneurship since Amy continues to explore the conversation that will lead you to inspired action!

Redefining Self Love and Breaking Free of Family Patterns. A global webinar with reveleleven and Amy Schuber.
RevelEleven is a community of women across the globe who come together online to listen to outstanding speakers who cover a variety of topics. From mental, physical and financial wellbeing to current events and climate change, we cover topics that you care about and we have fun doing it. Find inspiration with us and discover your joy and meaning. We believe women are going to change the world,

Awaken The Authentic You with Mat Shaffer & Amy Schuber
Amy and Mat talk about creating a life of passion, purpose and prosperity in this episode.

Soulfeed Podcast with Shannon Algeo
Amy shares her entrepreneurial journey and the path that led her to podcasting in this SOULFEED episode with Shannon and Alex.

Center Stage and In Demand
Amy joined Nikol Peterman in this webinar, Center Stage and In Demand. Amy shared secrets to owning your voice, claiming the spotlight and being true to yourself while achieving it.

Fearless Females on FOCUSTV with Janet Gunn
Amy was a guest on FocusTV Fearless Females with host, Janet Gunn. Amy shared her entrepreneurial journey with her coaching company Be Inspired By You as well has her journey into podcasting and launching Inspired Conversations.

The Ambitious Woman
Amy joined Lianne Grove for this powerful webinar supporting women to thrive and prosper while managing busy and demanding lives.

Super Power Kids with Neva Recla
Amy shares her super power with Neva and her tribe in this episode.