private healings
In a private healing session Amy will work with you one on one and customize the session based on what you are currently dealing with that is not feeling in alignment with your truth.
Amy will connect with you to release Inherited Emotions and patterns such as fear of failure, fear of success, anxiety, relationship drama, money issues, lack and scarcity, fear of losing money, fear of self expression and many others, you can achieve your real purpose and reason for being here without all the distractions and obstacles. Whatever you are personally experiencing that doesn’t not feel good or productive in your one life, whether it is something mentioned here or different.
By releasing these blocks you will become inspired and empowered in the truth of who you really are and will be able to clear the path to achieve incredible success in all areas of life. People feel more grounded, connected, a sense of clarity and peace of mind.
Ancestral Trauma Clearing- Releases trapped and inherited trauma from the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual bodies. Clearing the experiences of the past that are having an impact on the present and future. By clearing the emotions and energies that have been inherited and carried forward, sometimes unbeknownst to you, you are able to focus, feel clear about your own life purpose and feen grounded in your truth.
If you are ready to experience more freedom, deeper connection with yourself, clarity, peace of mind, focus, enthusiasm for your life and many more positive emotions, feel free to book a session now at the calendar link below.
Amy is an amazing and very powerful healer
I’ve had a number of healing sessions with her to work on different things.
I’ve done a lot of inner and transformational work on myself but yet I had different patterns that kept repeating themselves. Nothing I tried worked to shift or change them.
Due to interesting past experiences I’ve a hard time trusting and allowing myself to get close to others in friendships. I always expected “other shoe to drop” and was a bit guarded. It impacted my close friendships and I would see myself get trigger and then go right into my pattern of behavior.
After just one session with Amy where we worked on this specific issue it completely changed without any work on my part. I am now way more comfortable, open, honest and relaxed with my friends. Most importantly I show up as myself and enjoy every second with them.
Thank you Amy!

Mary O.
Boston, MA
I have had three sessions with Amy and each time I was amazed at how good she is at what she does. She listens carefully and is so intuitively connected she can tap into what I didn't realize was there. Through my sessions with her, I realized healing on reflection, meaning one day I would notice the issue I went to her for was cleared. Trust the process and give Amy a call. There is something effortlessly magical about her work.
I like to call her my weird emotional psychic trainer 🙂
Lost more psychic weight working with you, Amy.

Mary G.
San Diego, CA
I had more insights and healings in one session with Amy than in years of therapy. It’s been revelatory to understand that some of the blocks I was bumping into in life weren’t actually mine but had been inherited. The work we did together has helped me step into the person I have always known deep down I was. This work feels like a great big homecoming.

Annie H.
Los Angeles, CA
I have been very fortunate to work with Amy Schuber during a time when I needed some outside help. I found the work with her to be profound and effective. Amy is a highly gifted healer and extremely caring as well. I’ve been so excited about her wonderful gifts that I’ve introduced her to others. Highly recommended!

Debbi D.
Los Angeles, CA